Nelly Rapp - Monsteragent (2020)

Nelly Rapp - Monsteragent (2020)

导演Amanda Adolfsson
编剧Sofie Forsman
主演尤汉·雷伯格 / 比约恩·古斯塔夫松 / 玛丽安娜·莫克 / Lily Wahlsteen / Matilda Gross
制片国家/地区: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
上映日期: 2020-10-30(哥德堡首映)
IMDb链接: tt11199388


Nelly Rapp is an ordinary girl who is going to spend the autumn school holidays with her uncle Hannibal. Well, maybe not that ordinary – she’s going to be a monster agent. You know, an agent that fights monsters and ghosts. That’s right, they do exist. They’re right here amongst us, but you only see them if you believe in them and scratch the surface…

Nelly Rapp - Monsteragent (2020)